Names of 86 Slave Owners

The names of 86 slave owners given in the Book of Negroes who were bound for (modern day) New Brunswick in 1783

Destination Saint John

Thomas Richard

Humphrey Winters

Nicholas Beckle

Major John Coffin

Peter Ryerson

Lt. Reed Delancey

Capt.(_?) Philips

Joseph Scribner

Captain (_?) Grayson

Caleb Mallory

Col. John Thomson, KAD

Colonel William Tyng

John Ketchum

Thomas Fairweather

Reuben Chase

Isaac Goodman

Mr. (_?) Napier

Robert Griffith

Bethaser Creamer

Mr. Charles Loosely

John Cock

Henry Rayden

Jasper Buckel

John Demill

Oliver Bourdette

Conrad Hendricks

James Ettridge

Robert Letson

Thomas Bosworth

Dow VanDine

Captain Joseph O. Forrester

Nathaniel Dickinson

Peter FitzSimmon

Rev. John Beardsley

Daniel Sickles

Capt. (_?) Drummond

Edward Beattie

John Boggs

Thomas Bean

Samuel Clarke

Gabriel Fowler

Bartholomew Coxetter

Lt. A Cooper

Albert Vanshant

Widow (?) Conley

Q.M. Jones

Capt. C_?) Thatcher

Ensign (_?) Banks, 2nd Bat., N.J. Vols

Ens. (?) Vincent

Major Thomas Menzies

Capt. Nathan Frink, A.L

Lt. (_?) Cox, K.A. reg’t.

Adj’t. John Ness

Adj. (__?) Cunningham

Lieut. Benjamin Ward

Capt. Lemuel Wilmot

Dr. Nicholas Humphries

Lieut. Isaac Dublois (DeBecks in BofN)

Capt. Peter Campbell

Capt. C?) McLeod

Capt. ( _?) Dunbar

Capt. Thomas French

Capt. Charles McPherson

Capt. L.C. Robertson

Capt. C?) Mills

Ens. Hubbard (either Isaac, Nathaniel or William)

Ensign Willet Carpenter

Lt. Gabriel DeVeber

Ens. Shadrack Chase

Benjamin Lister

Timothy Clowes

Cornelius VanDine

Gilbert Pugsley

Joseph Allen

Moses Miller

Capt.(Gideon?) Palmer

George McCall

John Van Winkle

Richard Carman

James Peters

Bartholomew Cranell

Destination Fort Cumberland/Aulac:

Capt. Fred Williams

Joseph Totten

Gabriel Purdie

Captain Kipp

Captain Knepp

Capt. (Gideon?) Palmer

The names have had spellings corrected and first names inserted

where further data was available.